Whether you’re a newly licensed driver eager to go out and about or someone who is well experienced and has been driving for a while, there are a few things you should know and take care of to reduce the costs associated with car ownership – particularly car insurance and traffic challans. Keep reading and get a few tips on how you can achieve this-

  1. Shopping for Car Insurance Smartly:
    While shopping for car insurance, you need to be smart enough to know exactly what you want and which one suits your needs the best. You don’t need to blindly follow the masses and buy the most expensive one out there! Here are a few ways you can choose which one is the best option for you-
  • Use Car insurance comparison websites to get quotes from multiple insurers and then compare and get the best price.
  • Don’t over insure! While choosing an insurance always keep in mind the factors like your car age, how much you drive it and your budget.
  • Many car insurers provide discounts if you have a safe driving record or there are anti theft devices in your car. 
  • Lastly, your needs may change over time, so review your insurance regularly. Make sure your coverage is still appropriate, and you’re not paying extra for features you no longer need.

2. Avoiding Traffic Challans:
While it may seem straightforward, there are actually several ways to avoid paying   more than you need on the traffic challan

  • Always be familiar with the traffic rules in your city and state.
  • While driving, always drive defensively. Be attentive to the potential traffic hazards and maintain a safe following distance.
  • Don’t use your phone or any other distractions while driving.
  • Be careful and obey the speed limits whenever you’re driving.
  • Do not drink and drive to avoid those hefty traffic challans and much more serious consequences.
  • Always make sure that your car is in good driving condition to avoid any fines for faulty equipment.
  • Use a Traffic Challan App By getting one of these apps, you’ll always be informed about any outstanding challans and pay them on time to avoid additional penalties.

3. Few Additional Tips-

  • A very useful tip is to install a dashcam in your car. This can provide evidence in case of an accident and save you from wrongful challans and may also help you get a discount in your car insurance.
  • To get further discounts in your car insurance complete a defensive car driving course. Some insurers provide discounts to drivers who have completed these.

By following these tips you can reduce your car related expenses and enjoy the open road. Always remember, being a smart and responsible driver not only saves money but also makes the roads safer for you and everyone else. So drive safe, and keep those costs down!